General conditions of use of website


The User browsing the pages of the Website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), owned by Pgreco Srls in the name of its managers, must comply with the following General Conditions of Use of the same (henceforth, for brevity, the “Conditions”), drawn up on the basis of what is established by the legislation currently in force in EU and the internal policies adopted regarding Privacy, GDPR and Netiquette. Access to the Site and in any case any action that involves browsing its web pages constitute acceptance of the following Conditions and, in order to make them aware of the Website Users, a link (DISCLAIMER) which refers to this document appears at the bottom on the pages of the Site. The Conditions can be modified by the managers at any time without having to provide any notice to the Users and without prejudice to the latter’s obligation to view them periodically before accessing the contents of the Site.

Site Activity

The Site aims to offer a tool for understanding the structure and the company mission.

Intellectual property

All the contents of the Site, such as – by way of example – texts, databases, drawings, trademarks, logos, buttons, icons, images and audio passages are owned by Pgreco Srls or, in any case, it has received a specific authorization for their use and their disclosure to third parties by the legitimate owners; the aforementioned material is protected by current laws protecting industrial and intellectual property.
In particular, the rights of economic exploitation of all the texts present in the various sections are the property of Pgreco Srls and / or third parties who have specifically received authorization from this company for publication, without prejudice to ownership of the moral rights of related authors. Any use, for any purpose, of the contents of the Site is prohibited, unless expressly authorized or not compliant with these Terms of Use. Users who intend to publish or otherwise re-use part of the content of the Site must make a specific request by writing to, otherwise the material in question cannot be reused for any purpose. In authorizing its use, Pgreco Srls could determine specific limitations, as well as the use of a specific disclaimer.
Finally, if the Site contains certain links (“Links”) with third-party websites, these links are provided for information purposes only and to make it easier for Users to navigate. Pgreco Srls does not in any way control these sites or their content and, in particular, does not guarantee, nor is it responsible for the correctness of the information contained therein.
Indeed, Pgreco Srls has not in any way verified the content of the third party websites indicated above and does not intend in any way to support, promote or recommend the services and / or products offered through them, as it has no connection with the insertions advertising present on the sites reached through the Links.

Linking and Framing

Pgreco Srls informs that, in order to create a link in other websites with its own home page currently accessible at the web address (henceforth, for the sake of brevity, the “Home Page”), it is necessary that a request is sent to this effect by e-mail to, where the following must be indicated: (i) the data relating to the person responsible for the technical aspects of managing the link links (including the e-mail address) mail and phone number); (ii) the data of the applicant company; (iii) the indication of the web address of the site where the link with the Home Page will be created; (iv) any additional useful information for the purpose of obtaining authorization from the managers of Pgreco Srls.
Where authorized by Pgreco Srls, the creation of a link to the Site attributes an absolutely temporary, non-exclusive and non-transferable license, concerning the use of the name or logo that will be indicated from time to time in the authorization itself and to the solely and exclusively for the purpose of creating the hypertext link in question, with the express exclusion of any other use.
Otherwise, it is not permitted, without prior written authorization from Pgreco Srls, to create links to the Site’s Home Page, nor to internal and / or ancillary pages of the Site, nor to link and present the contents of the Site within of another website, thus creating a CD “Framing”. In this regard, it should be noted that the violation of the aforementioned remarks complements the details of a conduct that may be prosecuted on the basis of the applicable laws in force.

Exclusion of liability

The information contained in the site must not be used as the sole or main support on the basis of which to make specific decisions, they are provided for information purposes only. The User browses through the pages of the Site and uses his services freely and on the basis of an informed choice. Regardless of the professionalism with which it provides the content available on the Site, Pgreco Srls is not responsible for any damage suffered by Users and / or third parties as a result of reliance on the content of published documents and, therefore, Pgreco Srls shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damage arising from the use of such information.
Pgreco Srls informs that it can at any time, in total autonomy and at its own discretion, replace, add, modify and / or integrate the Site and / or the material contained therein as well as the technology used.
Accordingly, Pgreco Srls makes it expressly known that such activities could result in the temporary impossibility of accessing the Site and / or its content. In this regard, Pgreco Srls is not responsible for any malfunction or defect of the technology used in the creation and publication of the pages of the Site. This, in particular as regards the regularity of the transmission of data via cable, as well as the functionality of the server that hosts the pages of the Site.

Applicable law and competent court

The Conditions must be considered governed by Italian law and must therefore be interpreted by applying this legislation. The competent court is that of Novara, Italy.